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The Full Story

We felt that there was a need.


First, now in 2024, it is clear that our nation is divided. And the divisions, in our view, really start with an ongoing dividing issue: ethnicity/race.

Let's discuss the word 'ongoing', we could say this started with the first African slave to set foot on the American continent. Certainly by the time of the American Revolution the sides were drawn - slaveholders and their groups and the abolitionists. Eventually coming to Civil War, only the issue of a state's right to break away was settled by the military actions of the war. By no means was there any settlement or closure for a large part of the white population believing in white supremacy and their right to hold others in slavery. Though the law could change the actual event of slavery, in fact once Reconstruction was ended by sabotage and treachery, for almost all Blacks, it was slavery under a different name: Jim Crow.


Today, between White Supremacy groups, White Nationalist groups, Christian Nationalist groups and all of the White individuals who hold both prejudices and resentments, there is a strong movement to recognize The United States as a (White) Christian Nation. They falsely say that our nation was founded as a White Christian nation, though in fact the very opposite is true. They yearn for a time when White America was clearly the driving growing population with total power. Throughout our history, with each advance of other ethnic groups in America, these individuals have formed a backlash to undermine that progress.


The 2nd group, (us!) those that don't agree with the first (White supremacy) group, is made up of all of the non-White citizens, plus a majority of White citizens themselves. When active, we make up an overwhelming majority. This 2nd group, in fact is called The New American Majority and we are organized around this idea of America being a successful multi-ethnic society and democracy, one that guarantees liberty and justice for ALL of its citizens.

Our nation's founding document, the Declaration of Independence, has those iconic words "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal......

Today if that document were being written we would probably say ...that all people are created equal... or perhaps ...We are all created equal... But the word all would remain in the phrase.

So, the word 'all' is significant, what does it mean? Does it just mean all men? All white men?

With Amendments to our Constitution we have as a people, as a nation, said it also means women and non-white individuals. So all, means all.


With this in mind we began looking for a way to indicate support for these concepts of America being for all of its citizens. One of our founders, an old white man, had an idea, the letter A was modified to have an equal sign instead of the single horizontal bar (₳).


We then did a google search of that image and found nothing. Figuring that couldn't be right we kept looking. Doing a couple of different searches we did finally find a prior use of the symbol - the Austral - ₳ . The Austral was a symbol in use for about 6 years in Argentina as a currency symbol. It went defunct in that use, on December 31, 1991 and has been unused since.

So we are now taking the symbol, adopting and adapting it for our cause - a way to say "All Means ALL". To create awareness in the New American Majority and awareness in our cause to finally make the aspiration of our Declaration of Independence a reality - A free multi-ethnic society and democracy, with liberty and justice for ALL.


Please use the symbol everywhere: in your social media signature; on your web pages; business cards; use a sharpie to leave it where people congregate! (Don't destroy property). You can download images of the symbol here. Please spread the word by spreading the symbol. That's what it is for.

Remember, We are the New American Majority.


All Means ALL is sponsored by Old White Men of America™ and Other generous benefactors


Let’s Work Together

If you belong to a group that will help spread the word of All Means ALL - Get in touch so we can start working together.

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